You are looking for ways to get rid of flies from your house, as they cause a lot of nuisance, affecting the life and health of your family. Pocket these 8 safe and highly effective ways to repel these annoying flies!
1. How do flies affect your life?
The presence of flies always creates an uncomfortable feeling for everyone working and resting. Impressions of flies from garbage dumps, manure heaps, carrying dirt on their legs, bodies, and proboscis, landing on chairs, objects, food, homes, and even on the body have truly caused an unpleasant sensation. Moreover, the presence of flies is a sign of unhygienic conditions.
Flies – carriers of many dangerous diseases
Not only causing discomfort, flies are also carriers of many pathogenic microorganisms from polluted places to humans and their food. When these microorganisms attach to the exterior of flies, they only survive for a few hours, but when swallowed into their intestines, they can survive for several days.
To feed, flies fly from organic matter in garbage, soil rich in organic matter, human and animal waste to human food and drinks, carrying a large amount of disease-causing microorganisms clinging to their bodies, legs, and wings. Most of the diseases transmitted by flies are directly infected through food, water, air, hands, and contact between people.
Diseases transmitted by flies include intestinal infectious diseases (such as dysentery, diarrhea, typhoid fever, cholera, and some helminth infections), eye infections (styes), and some skin diseases (such as warts, acute skin diseases, fungi, etc.). That’s why we often feel annoyed and uncomfortable when flies appear everywhere in the house.

2. Synthesis of 8 safe and effective ways to repel flies from your home
The following permanent fly repellent methods have been successfully applied by many families and restaurants.
2.1. Use natural essential oils to repel flies
Various natural essential oils are commonly placed in essential oil diffusers to create a pleasant aroma for users. However, they are also effective and safe for repelling flies. Essential oils such as lavender, citronella, peppermint, lemongrass, etc., are types of scents that flies are afraid of. You can use each type of essential oil separately.
However, the most effective way to repel flies is to mix several types of essential oils together. This mixture will be strong enough to permanently repel flies. After mixing the essential oils, you should put them in a spray bottle. Spraying this essential oil mixture around the house will prevent flies from entering your home.
2.2. Repel flies with a mixture of honey and detergent
The mixture of soap and honey is also one of the ‘arch-enemies’ of flies. In this mixture, honey will attract the attention of flies, while soap will trap them and prevent them from escaping. You will be surprised at how simple this fly repellent method is!
First, mix water with soap, Then, add honey to a large bowl. Next, place the bowl of this mixture in places where flies often gather and observe the results you get.
2.3. Repel flies with nylon bags filled with water
Do you believe that detestable flies will be driven away by white water-filled plastic bags? To test this, you just need to hang these bags at the main door or windows of your house.
The operating principle of this water-repelling fly method is actually very simple. The water-filled plastic bag will cause light reflection. This makes the flies flying in space unable to determine the exact direction.
As a result, they will fly aimlessly and cannot fly into your home as in the usual ‘journey’.
2.4. Repel flies with black pepper
The strong, distinctive smell of black pepper will make flies terrified and stay away. Therefore, using black pepper is considered an effective way to repel flies at home.
With this ingredient, you just need to put black pepper in a blender to grind it finely, then mix the black pepper powder with sugar and egg yolk in a small dish. After that, place this mixture in places where flies often ‘gather’ to quickly repel them.
2.5. Repel flies with garlic
Repelling flies with garlic is considered quite simple and easy:
You just need to prepare a few large garlic cloves. Then, crush them (not too finely) and put them in boiling water. Next, filter them through a sieve and let them cool. And you use this garlic oil to spray in places where flies often concentrate. The smell of garlic will make flies suffocate and fly away. 2.6. Repel flies with chili powder
Flies are often attracted to the scent of various fruits. Therefore, you can use the trio formula: fruity flavor + soap + chili powder below to kill flies:
You mix soap with water in a 1:1 ratio. Then, add some fruity flavors that flies love, such as lemon, apple, or apple cider vinegar. Then, you put this mixture into a spray bottle and add a little chili powder, then spray it in places where flies often appear. Flies will quickly be killed because they ingest the spicy soap.
2.7. Repel flies with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is the most effective method to repel flies among natural ingredients. Obviously, flies love the smell of apples and vinegar. Therefore, you just need to:
Put a little apple cider vinegar in a bowl to create a trap for flies. Then, add a little dishwashing soap to it. The idea of this vinegar fly repellent trick is to attract flies to the scent. And then they will fall into it and drown.
2.8. Repel flies with orange, lemon peels
Orange peels contain 90-95% limonene. This is a substance that repels all types of insects, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and especially flies, very frightening. Repelling flies with orange, lemon, or grapefruit peels is also cost-effective and cost-saving for you.
To repel flies with orange, lemon, or grapefruit peels, you need to dry these fruit peels. Then, place the dried orange, lemon, or grapefruit peels in the location where you don’t want flies to visit. Especially for restaurants, you can place orange, lemon peels directly on the food table to make them smell and stay away.
3. Measures to prevent flies from entering the house
Improving environmental hygiene is a measure to solve the root cause of the appearance of flies and their contact with pollution sources and humans. To improve environmental hygiene, the following actions need to be taken:
- Collect household waste in residential areas for transportation to processing facilities or burial on-site to limit the contact of flies with pollution sources and reduce the places where flies lay eggs.
- Clean up daily livestock and poultry manure, build sanitary latrines, and avoid scattering urine.
- Wastewater rich in organic matter (from meat markets, fish markets, slaughterhouses, etc.) needs to be drained, avoiding stagnation. Mud, sewer sludge, and waste from manholes and cesspools also need to be cleaned.
- Food and drinks need to be covered tightly to prevent flies from landing. Children and sick people should sleep under mosquito nets, avoiding contact with flies.
- Places where flies often congregate can be sprayed with fly-repellent chemicals or set up flypaper traps. You can also put clean water in nylon bags. When flies fly over these water-filled nylon bags, the reflective light will cause the fly’s eyes to quickly reflect with the reflected light and fly away.
Above are 8 safe and effective ways to repel flies from your home. Try applying them and see the results!
Cre: lavada
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